Lessons from Silverman - Part 5

It's All About Perspective
I might have been upset about my run at Silverman this year, but I was lacking perspective. I had (in my mind) sub-par training, but still turned out my second fastest run on that course. And I did blown off the quality of my training - even though what I did was a lot for many people. But that's the beauty of perspective. Now that I have had a chance to reflect about the race, I can see that I had a really good run time, regardless. And I also realize that my self esteem is not based on my last race and that I am really lucky. I have a supportive huspand, a flexible work schedule that allows for training and good quality equipement. There are other athletes who have to struggle to find the time for training and don't have as supportive a family. I can't complain at all. Even on the worst days, we all have to remember that we are able to be out there - swimming, riding and running. We have the freedom and the ability - not everyone else does.


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