Random thoughts on Road ID

I was perusing the Road ID website the other day and a silly thought struck me. Not only do we get the best in emergency identification with the Road ID, but we also can show support for favored causes. Don't belive me? Think about the wrist sport version - comes in black, blue, pink, red, yellow and purple. All of those colors stand for something, if not more then one cause! So I did some research and here is what I found out.

Black - POW/MIA, Terrorisom Awareness, Mourning, Sleep Apnea and several other causes.
Blue - (going with Royal blue here - there were lots of diferent options to choose from!) - Anti-Tobacco &    Secondhand Smoke, Arthritis, Child abuse, Domestic Violence, Drunk Driving, Free Speech, Hurricane Support, Prostate Cancer
Pink - Breast Cancer
Yellow - LiveStrong, Adoptive Parents
Red - AIDS/HIV, Drug Free, Heart Disease, Stroke
Purple - Alzheimer’s, Animal Abuse, Cancer Survivors

Then, if we add in the colors from the Wrist Elite, it's an even better way to show off your cause and have identification at all times. Those yellow LiveStron bands have nothing on a yellow Road ID!
Orange - Agent Orange Exposure, Cultural Diversity, Juvenile Diabetes, Motorcyclist Safety, Road Worker Safety
Green - Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Downs Syndrome, Environment
Cream or Bone - Paralysis, Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder, Spinal Muscular Atrophy

So there you go. Click on the link at the bottom of the page and find a Road ID that matches your cause. I warned you that this was just some random thoughts!


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