Vampire trainers
After the last two days I really feel like the energy has been drained from me. Onr of those "this seemed like a good idea when Adam and I talked about it" combo days. Tuesday was 3 hours on the bike followed by a two mile transition run. Wedesday was masters swim then two hours on the bike. A good solid set and the last hard workouts before Silverman. The only issue? It was all done on the trainer, inside. By the time I was done on Wendesday I was completly brain numb. Tuesday I was spinning away by 6:00 on the IMLP course. CTS had a group workout going on next to me so the first hour wasn't too bad. Music was playing and I was able to settle into the rhythm of the drainer pretty easily (Freuidian slip I meant Trainer). Then I was on my own for the next two hours. Which was fine. I had plenty of water and electrolyte drink and a bell to summon help if I needed it.I was also able to watch the coaches trickling in, most of them by bike. The IMLP course was challenging wi...