Home at last

Wow. That was a long trip and a lot of sitting int the car. It took us nearly three days to drive home from Vermont and that was with taking the ferry across Lake Champlain. But as with all long trips there was plenty of random stuff, both in the air and on the ground.

Musings from the plane:
-Do they xray the water from the water fountains or is it the same tap water I had at home? -Why do the guys always take the armrest on the plane? Did not matter which flight. I was there first but never had the arm rest.
-Take all gate info from the flight attendents with a grain of salt.
-Lake Michigan does look like the ocean and not just if you are 7 years old.
-Marathoners are easy to spot in a crowd of travelers, Something about race shirts, race jackets and running shoes.

Observations on the road:
-Talk about going green. I saw a bike powered lawnmower while driving in Maine. Push mower attached to the front fork and he was off and mowing. Did not look to efficient though....
-It is all in perspective. I saw the Nor'Easter as a minor incovenine that would make driving a challenge. The other couple at the hotel on Mt Desert Island were looking forward to living through a real New England Nor'easter as "one of the most exciting things!"
-Where do the Trucks vanish to? Hit the Kansas border on I70 and there are no more trucks. Same thing happened in Illinois. All the trucks went poof.

I am sure there were more. But that is all I can remember and I have plenty of unpacking to do..


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