Round and Round for Operation Rebound

Round and Round for Operation Rebound at the 24 Hours in the Sage a huge success. Thanks to the riders, the race organization and the Gunnison KOA, we raised over $1000 for Operation Rebound. The money raised will go to support disabled veterans and first responders who have been injured while serving our country. I appreciate everything that 24 HitS and the KOA did to make this event and the race a success. It was great sitting around after the race, knowing that we'd been able to make the fun and challenge of the 24 Hours in the Sage count for so much more. I look forward to next year and to being able to bring the challenge to more racers.

I cannot thank the race staff - Mitch Fedak and Traci Rock and all the other race officials, the Gunnison KOA crew and my fellow racers for donating time and money to both the race and to Operation Rebound. If you have one of the Round and Round for Operation Rebound flyers, remember that any donation to Operation Rebound is tax deductible. Thank you for helping me support Operation Rebound


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