still dragging

Nick and I went to CMSP for an easy ride last night and wow. I was still so tired. Nick was on his single speed and I could not even come close to keepimg up with him. And he had already ridden at lunch. Whem it took an hour to ride the Talon loops and Sundance, it was time to call it a night. I was planning on riding an hour and a half but no. Too tired to fight for that other 30 minutes. So we went home.

I felt better swimming this morning sso things are looking up. I am doing the Xterra Lory on Sunday and not feeling ready at all. Racing is not not the smartest idea this weekend at all. But I can always use the practice with my transitions and my wet suit. So I will head up to Ft Collins and have a good time at the race. have a good race as well. No pressur for performance.


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