Camper !?!

Nick and I are now the proud owners of a cute little Class C camper. It has an nice little bed over the cab, a shower and toilet, gas stove (and oven!), a small fridge and plenty of storage space. It's well taken care of and very clean on the inside (and outside). There's plenty of room for the bikes, inside the camper - we just need to get some fork mounts fixed up. There's also enough room that friends can share the space during 24 hour races. It's going to be perfect for the 24 hour races, the MSC and other mountain bike races, as well as closer triathlons.

The drawback? The camper is older then me (1974 - but very well taken care of) It's also more a tortoise then a hare - we'll get to the races, but its gonna take a little time. The cruising speed of the camper is about 55 miles an hour. A lot slower then my Subaru with the bikes on top (then I go 70ish), and a little slower then Nick's jeep loaded down (then we do about 65 and stay off the main roads). But we have a fridge, a warm place to sleep (out of the rain and snow) and the ability to cook and rinse off after a race. That's a good trade off for taking an extra day to travel.

We're going to call the camper "The Road Turtle" - I like that one. Time to get a large turtle sticker for the back bumper!


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