Gift of Time

One of the best presents anyone can offer - the gift of time and a fun ride. At the start on my planned long and hard ride at CMSP, Nick and I decided to invite Mom along for her birthday ride. It's something we've done for the last few years - instead of getting her something she doesn't need, we've taken her out for a fun mountain bike ride. This year, it worked out that we could do it on her birthday, on a very beautiful day, in a quiet park, on some great trails. We always try to challenge her skills, encouraging her to try some new obstacles and work on her technique. It's been fun to watch her improvement and the increased confidence on the bike
Getting some pointers before trying a new rock section

Over the rock! Over the rock!

This year, with a new bike under her, we decided to challenge her even more. We rode up Boulder run instead of Coyote Run, working on her weight shifting and body position on the bike. Nick made her ride some sections she hadn't tried before and repeat some other little rock gardens. We then headed up to Blackmere. Couldn't get her to ride the rock slabs at the north entrance, but she was willing to try the rock slabs in the middle. Nick gave her some pointers, lined up the entrance and stood next to the rock to spot her. Good thing too...

Don't worry, I've got you!
After leaving Mom at her car, wishing her a Happy Birthday, it was  time to finish the rest of the hard ride. I didn't get my full time on the bike - two long weeks  in the garage left me tired - but it was a good day on the bike. I was struggling to keep up with Nick on the climb back up Blackmere - and I think he was soft pedaling up some of those grades. Despite my fatigue and feeling off on the bike, I tried the rock step at the north junction with Cougar's Shadow. I've been struggling with that section for the last two years. Riding south, I can get it easily. But riding north, I've wacked my bash guard, my bottom bracket, my pedals almost every time I've tried. Last time we went to CMSP, I didn't even try. But today, I decided to try it again. Over the first rock, down the second rock. This time, I gunned it coming off the bottom of the second rock slab. I think that was the different I needed - some speed to approach the huge rock step instead of slowing down. Up and over without any contact. Smooth and easy. Maybe I should listen to Nick a little more!


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