the absence of disease

A long time ago - either while in undergrad or PT school, I read an interesting definition of health and being healthy. Since I spent last week fighting off an early seasons cold, it seemed very applicable. I don't remember the source or context, but it still rings true.

Health is the absence of disease or a condition when there is nothing wrong or unusual happening in the body.

Think about it - do you notice when you are healthy? waking up saying "Man, I feel healthy today." Not usually - but you definitely notice when you are not healthy. You don't feel awesome working out when things are going good and don't pay attention to little signs. But when an injury has laid you low, things aren't "right." So its a perfect definition - the absence of disease.

Working in health care makes me appreciate my own absence of disease. I see a whole rang of people -from those who know they are sick and want to get better to those who have no clue. There are patients who realize they are sick but just don't care and others who don't even think they are sick. I like the first group the best - the ones who realize that something has effected their state of health and want to get better. no matter how hard they are to move and transfer. They have a goal and are willing to work hard to get there. I might joke about torturing old people, but most of the time it's very rewarding. Returning people to that balance - the absence of disease.


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