Dare Greatly
I've heard it a lot this year - go big or go home. I've even been guilty of saying it a few times! But then I started pondering the statement. Go big or go home. What does that really mean? Is it the encouraging statement that we mean it to be, the phrase challenging us to step up to the next challenge or a distance that intimidates us? Or does it limit us from really pushing the limits and doing what scares us? Like most things, it can be taken either way. I know a lot of people will toss out Go Big or Go Home when they sign up for a goal race or an event just on the edges of possible. In this context, it's a challenge - if you aren't willing to do something huge where you might fail, why bother trying? That's how I interpret it anyway! Do this crazy thing - go big. And if you don't think you can step to the line, then just go home and do something else, something less epic. If you aren't willing to try, then just quit now. To me, that's not very enco...