Dare Greatly

I've heard it a lot this year - go big or go home. I've even been guilty of saying it a few times! But then I started pondering the statement. Go big or go home. What does that really mean? Is it the encouraging statement that we mean it to be, the phrase challenging us to step up to the next challenge or a distance that intimidates us? Or does it limit us from really pushing the limits and doing what scares us?

Like most things, it can be taken either way. I know a lot of people will toss out Go Big or Go Home when they sign up for a goal race or an event just on the edges of possible. In this context, it's a challenge - if you aren't willing to do something huge where you might fail, why bother trying? That's how I interpret it anyway! Do this crazy thing - go big. And if you don't think you can step to the line, then just go home and do something else, something less epic. If you aren't willing to try, then just quit now. To me, that's not very encouraging and not the best motivational saying. Now, I know other people will read Go Big or Go Home in other ways, including the motivational aspect. But for me, that's not the kind of motivation I need.

Last year was kinda a Go Big year - with six huge races, as well as everything else I was doing. Even then, I still avoided the Go Home part of the saying. Yes, I was challenging myself in many ways, but if something happened, I wasn't quitting. I would reboot if possible and adjust. It's being true to yourself and to the demands of both the day and the year. Yes, I went big, but I never focused on what could happen if I didn't meet the goals at specific races. I never felt like it was Go Big or Go Home - it was Go Big and be smart!

For 2020, there's fewer races - just two long runs at Silverheels 100 and Sangre de Cristo 100k. My third attempt at the 100 mile distance and the return to Music Pass. And with a tighter focus on my races, there's fewer chances for redemption if something goes wrong. I can reboot in the middle of the race if needed, but I still have to reach the finish line. That's why 2020 will be the year of Daring Greatly. I don't have the second and third chances at solid races.

Dare Greatly. Challenge yourself to something that scares you and will test you (Silverheels 100!) Dare to step to the line, to look into the unknowing, realizing that nothing is for sure. Be honest with yourself, respect the challenge. Through the challenge you will change - as I discovered in 2019. The greatest challenges are the ones that scare you, so daring to attempt them - regardless of outcome - is a great achievement. With that in mind - that it is the process that matters and the challenges that matters, more then the results - I know 2020 will be an amazing year. I may not achieve everything I hope to. I've already backed down goals for my first race due to my root encounter. But I will still be there at Stories, just with a different perspective. From volunteering to racing, from course marking to course sweep - instead of being involved in just my miles and my day, I get to see the entire race. I will see others heading out into the cold dark, Daring Greatly to reach their goals.

Dare Greatly. What ever happens, whatever your goals.


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