Last year's CMTR was one to forget. Between a stressful week where I spend most of my spare time in the hospital - as well as my work hours and not being focused on the race, it all lead up to my first ever DNF. Hard to take after such a fun racing at the 2016 CMTR and missing the 2017 event with my eye, but I vowed to learn from the mistakes I'd made and come back stronger and smarter. Most important would be to fully be in the moment, focused on the task at hand. Troubled skies but a clear mind. That’s the only way to approach this weekend Last year was the 25k. One lap of the figure 8 course. This year? Since it's the year of the ultra, I figured I'd do both laps I'd missed. The 25k I'd signed up for but wasn't able to race in 2017 and last years DNF. Yep, back to the 50k. Of course, after having just finished the Rattler 50k in some interesting conditions, I'm not gunning for a specific time or place. Just to run smart, try for a negative sp...